Here is a list of most popular words in English that are beginning with letter S. Click on each word to learn more about its meaning, definition and its usage.
sack sacrifice sad safe sag sake salary sample sale salt sand satisfy save scam scan scandal scarce scare scary schedule scheme school scrap scrape screen screw seal seat second secure see seek seep select senior sense serve server set severe shadow shake shall shame share shark sharp sheep shelf shift ship shoot shop shore short shot should shrink shrivel shut skinny skunk sick sight sign silence silly similar simple sink sip size skip slack slam sleep slick slight slime slip slow slump smell smoke smooth snack snag snap sneak sneeze snooze snore soak soap sock soggy someday something somewhat soon sore sorry sort soul sound space spam special specific spill spit split spooky spot spread spring squirt stack staff stagnant stale stall stand star starve state stay steal steep step stick still sting stingy stink stir stone store storm strange stray street stretch strict strike strip stripe strong struggle stuck study stuff stun subtle suck sugar suggest suit summer sun superstition sure surface surge surround swallow swamp swap sway sweat sweep sweet swell swerve switch system
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