he pronoun in English
Learn English He Pronoun

Grammar Pronoun- Lesson Four- He Pronoun in English

In this grammar lesson, you learn about He pronoun in English and how to use it in your English conversation and writing. Just follow examples and write them down a few times to learn them very well. After finishing this lesson, you should work on its quiz.

Grammar Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered the I If you just landed on this page, we suggest that you complete our previous lesson including its quizzes before continuing on this lesson.

Requirement Lessons

There is no required lessons for working and learning this lesson.


What Type of Pronoun is He


subject object possessive adjective possessive pronoun reflexive pronoun

These pronouns are used when you describe a boy or a man.

He is a student.
He learns English every day.
Where does he live?
Alexander is from Brazil


object = him

Do you know him?
I talked with him yesterday.


possessive adjective = his

The flag for his country is green, blue, and yellow.

This is the Brazilian flag.


possessive pronoun = his

A: Whose shoes are they?
They’re his.
They’re Alexander’s shoes.

Note: the possessive adjective and the possessive pronoun look exactly the same: his

men’s shoes

his shoes


reflexive pronoun = himself

He taught himself how to speak English by using this website.

He taught himself English.

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Exercise for He Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with….

he him his his himself

1. I sent _________ an email.

2. Where does ________ live?

3. He hurt __________ while he was working.

4. His wife likes _________ beard.

5. ________ hair is shorter than yours.

6. You have your book, but he doesn’t have ________.

7. ________ lives in Brazil.

8. He made _________ a cup of coffee.

9. His mother spoke with ________ yesterday.

10. Do you know who ________ is?


Answers: 1. him; 2. he; 3. himself; 4. his; 5. His; 6. his; 7. He; 8. himself; 9. him; 10. he


Private Lessons in English

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Next Grammar Lesson

In our next lesson, we will cover the She Pronoun Meaning Before moving to the next lesson, we suggest that you complete this lesson including its quizzes.

Related Grammar Lessons



Grammar Pronoun Outline

If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Grammar Pronoun, you can visit the Review of English Pronoun Words page.


Practice English Grammar Skills

For a comprehensive practice of English grammar with quizzes, you can visit the Improve English Grammar Skills page to view HiCafe 250 grammar lessons in 7 levels plus prepositions and pronouns.