adjective clauses in english
Learn English Adjective Clauses Grammar

Grammar Level 6- Lesson Eight- Adjective Clauses in English

In this grammar lesson, you learn about Adjective Clauses in English and how to use it in your English conversation and writing. Just follow adjective clauses in English with examples and write them down a few times to learn them very well. After finishing this lesson, you should work on its quiz.

Grammar Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered the That With Clauses If you just landed on this page, we suggest that you complete our previous lesson including its quizzes before continuing on this lesson.

Requirement Lessons

There is no required lessons for working and learning this lesson.


Adjective Clauses in English with Examples

An adjective clause is a clause that describes a word or a group of words in another clause. Adjective clauses are often part of a complex sentence.


Adjective clauses use that, who, whom, and which to begin the clause:

She’s the person who gave me the idea.


She’s the person that gave me the idea.

In both sentences, the person is described by…

She gave me the idea.

…but use that or who in place of “she.”


Here are some examples:

This student who comes from Japan is a very nice person.


The highway that George travels on every day is usually very crowded during rush hour.


George is a man who likes to eat a lot of watermelon.

mean eating watermelon


To practice the creation of a sentence with an adjective clause, combine these pairs of sentences:

The teacher was not happy.
He found gum under the desk.

The teacher who found gum under the desk was not happy.


Now you practice Adjective Clauses. I recommend that you write your answers on a piece of paper. Don’t look at the answers below until you have finished trying to put these together.

1- The students are very helpful to each other.
They go to this class.

Answer: ______________________________________________.

2- The apples are rotten.
I bought them today.

Answer: ______________________________________________.

3- We really like the new car.
We bought it last weekend.

Answer: ______________________________________________.


Practice Answers:
1- The students who go to this class are very helpful to each other.
2- The apples that I bought today are rotten.
3- We really like the new car which we bought last weekend.


Quiz for Adjective Clauses

Now that you learned your new lesson, it is time to go to the Adjective Clauses page and finish your quiz. While working on your quiz, you can always go back to its lesson to refresh your memory.

Private Lessons in English

If you need help with quizzes of this lesson, you can hire one of our expert private English teachers by going to our Private English Tutoring page and submit a request. When submitting your request, make sure to mention the grammar level and lesson number.


Next Grammar Lesson

In our next lesson, we will cover the Adverb Clauses in English Before moving to the next lesson, we suggest that you complete this lesson including its quizzes.

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Grammar Level 6 Outline

If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Grammar Level 6, you can visit the Grammar Level 6 Outline page.


Practice English Grammar Skills

For a comprehensive practice of English grammar with quizzes, you can visit the Improve English Grammar Skills page to view HiCafe 250 grammar lessons in 7 levels plus prepositions and pronouns.