Conversation Tips for Making Invitations in English


Planning to host a gathering or looking to join one would be a fun activity? Whether it’s inviting someone to an event or graciously declining an invitation, using the right phrases can make all the difference in maintaining positive relationships. In this lesson, we explore various ways to extend invitations and respond to them politely.


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How to Make invitations in English


Here are some useful phrases to make and accept invitations in English.



Invitations typically consist of three parts: asking about the person’s availability, specifying the nature of the event, and inviting the person to attend. For example:


  • Hey, are you free next Friday? We’re planning a barbecue. Would you like to come?


  • Have you got anything on for this evening? We are going to the museum this evening if you’d like to come.


(to have something on = to have an arrangement)


Other ways to make an invitation


  • Are you free next Monday?


  • Are you doing anything next weekend?


  • Would you be interested in coming to the pub with us this evening?


  • How do you fancy grabbing some coffee and catching up this Sunday?


  • Do you fancy coming to the party with me on Wednesday?


  • Would you like to join Molly and I for a bite to eat after school?


Accepting an invitation


If your invitation starts with a phrase like:


Would you like to…


You can reply:


  • I’d love to, thanks.


  • That’s very kind of you, thanks.


  • That sounds lovely, thanks.


If the invitation begins:


Do you fancy coming to the restaurant this weekend?


You can accept with:


  • What a great idea, thanks.


  • Sure! What’s on?


  • Yeah, why not! (this can sound a little unenthusiastic, so use it with good friends.)


Declining an invitation


  • Would you like to come over for lunch on Monday?


  • That’s very kind of you, but actually I’m doing something else on Monday.


  • Well, I’d love to, but I’m already going out to the party.


  • I’m really sorry, but I’ve got something else on.


  • I really don’t think I can – I’ve planned to go away that weekend.


Speaking Tip


It’s important to be polite when you decline an invitation. We normally give a reason why we can’t do something and say we’re sorry that we can’t accept the invitation.



Next time you plan an event or receive an invitation, remember these phrases to politely extend or accept invites. Politeness and consideration go a long way in having positive social interactions, so whether you’re extending or receiving an invitation, politeness is the key!


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