Would You Rather Questions for Conversation

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 5- Lesson 3

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing would you rather. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking with “Would You Rather” questions

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of “Would You Rather” questions. .

  • Would you rather be rich or poor? Explain. 

I think it’s important to have enough money to live comfortably and provide for your family, but I also believe that true happiness comes from within. I’d rather be content with a simple life and have strong relationships with loved ones than be rich but lonely or unhappy. I know there are many wealthy people who are miserable, and there are also many poor people who are incredibly happy.  Happiness is more about what’s in your heart than what’s in your bank account.

  • Would you rather be a boy or a girl? Why?

This is a tricky question! I’m happy being a girl. I love the things I get to do, like wear beautiful dresses and express my creativity. But I also admire the strength and courage of many boys. We all have something unique to offer the world.

  • Would you rather live in Europe or Asia? Explain. 

I love both Europe and Asia!  Europe has a rich history and culture, and I’d love to explore its beautiful cities and countryside. But I also have a deep connection to Asia, especially Iran. It’s where my family is, and I cherish the traditions and values I’ve grown up with. I think both continents offer a lot, and I’m grateful to be part of this global community.

  • Would you rather live in an apartment building or a house? Why?

That depends! If I had a big family, I’d prefer a house with a yard where we could all gather and enjoy some fresh air. But if I was living alone, an apartment would be more convenient and cost-effective.  Apartment buildings often have great amenities like gyms and pools, which can be fun. Plus, I like the idea of living in a community and having neighbors nearby.

  • Would you rather be born in another country or your current country? Why?

This is a difficult question. I love Iran for its beauty, history, and culture. It’s where I belong. But I’m also curious about other cultures and would love to experience life in another country. Maybe I’d be more adventurous if I had been born somewhere else, but I can’t really know for sure. I’m grateful for the life I have and the opportunities I’ve been given.

  • Would you rather have multiple intimate partners or just one marriage partner? 

I believe that strong, lasting relationships are based on trust, communication, and commitment. I don’t think it’s about the number of partners, but about finding someone with whom you can build a meaningful connection. I’m not really interested in having multiple partners; I value the idea of a deep connection with one person.

  • Would you rather sing everything you say, or dance every time you move? Explain.

Oh, that’s a fun one! I’d rather dance every time I move. I love music and dancing, and I think it would be so much fun to make every movement a dance. Imagine walking down the street with a graceful rhythm or having a conversation with some funky steps! It would be a great way to express yourself and brighten up the day.

  • Would you rather travel the world with no money, or stay in your hometown with unlimited money? Explain.

This is a tough one! I’d probably choose to stay in my hometown with unlimited money. While I love traveling, I think it’s important to have financial security. With unlimited money, I could explore the world whenever I wanted, but I would also be able to help my family and friends, contribute to the community, and enjoy the comforts of home.

  • Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world, or to speak any language fluently? Explain.

I think I’d choose to speak any language fluently. Being able to communicate with people from all over the world would be amazing. It would allow me to connect with people on a deeper level and learn about their cultures. Plus, it would be super helpful for traveling and exploring new places!


  • Would you rather experience a year in the future, or a year in the past? Why?

I’d probably choose to experience a year in the past. It would be fascinating to see how life was different and learn about historical events firsthand. I’d love to see my ancestors, visit ancient cities, and experience life in a simpler time.  But I also appreciate the technology and advancements we have today, so I wouldn’t want to stay in the past forever.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on would you rather, you can use the below questions.


  1. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds, or to make people like you instantly? Explain.
  2. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? Why?
  3. Would you rather be able to fly, or be able to become invisible? Explain.
  4. Would you rather live in a world without music, or a world without the internet? Explain.
  5. Would you rather be able to control the weather, or control time? Why?
  6. Would you rather have the ability to rewind time five minutes, or to fast forward five minutes? Explain.
  7. Would you rather have a pet unicorn, or a pet dragon? Explain.
  8. Would you rather have a talking cat, or a talking dog? Why?
  9. Would you rather be able to speak to animals, or to be able to speak any language? Why?
  10. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is happy all the time, or a world where everyone is free to express their emotions? Explain.



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