Conversation Questions for Discussing Wishes

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 3- Lesson 10

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing wishes. We also have added 5 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about your Wishes

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of your wishes..


  • What are three wishes you have for your life? If you could choose only one of these to come true, which would it be and why?


  1. To travel the world: I dream of seeing all the amazing places our planet has to offer from the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene beauty of the Himalayas. I want to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and experience the world firsthand.
  2. To become a successful writer: Writing is my passion. I love crafting stories and sharing them with others. My wish is to publish a book someday and hopefully inspire people with my words.
  3. To have a loving family and close friends: Family and friends are the most important things to me. I wish for a life filled with laughter, support, and shared experiences with those I cherish.


It’s hard to choose, but I think I’d choose the first wish, to travel the world. It’s the wish that represents a sense of adventure, learning, and opening myself to new experiences.


  • What wishes do your parents have for you?

My parents’ wish for me is to be happy and successful in life.They want me to find a good job, get married, and have a family. They also want me to be kind, compassionate, and respectful of others. They’re very traditional and place a lot of importance on family values.


  • What wishes do you have for your family members?

I wish for my family to always be healthy and happy. I want them to have fulfilling lives and to be surrounded by love and support. I also want them to have the freedom to pursue their own dreams and goals.


  • How have your wishes changed since you were young?

When I was younger, my wishes were more focused on material things, like a new bike or a beautiful dress. As I’ve grown older, my wishes have become more about the well-being of myself and others.  I’ve realized that true happiness comes from within and from making a positive impact on the world.


  • When you were young, how did you answer these questions: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor. I loved the idea of helping people and making them feel better.  I still admire doctors, but my career path has taken me in a different direction.


  • Have you ever had a wish come true? Explain.

I believe that some of my wishes have already come true! I have a loving family and close friends who support me. I’m also grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn and grow. However, there are still many things I wish for, and I believe that by working hard and striving for a better future, we can make them come true.


  • If you have a wish but your family doesn’t agree with you, what should you do?

If I have a wish that my family doesn’t agree with, I would try to have a calm and respectful conversation with them. I would explain my reasoning and try to understand their perspective.  Sometimes, compromising or finding alternative solutions can be helpful.


  • Do you have any strange wishes? Explain.

I don’t really have any strange wishes. But I think it’s interesting that some people wish for things that seem impossible or outlandish, like being able to fly or having superpowers. It’s a testament to our imaginations and our desire for something more.


  • Why are wishes very important to people?

Wishes are important because they give us hope and motivation. They provide a sense of purpose and drive us to work towards a brighter future. Even if a wish doesn’t come true in the exact way we imagined, it can inspire us to make positive changes in our lives.


  • Do you really want all your wishes to come true? Why or why not?

While I hope for a better world and a brighter future, I don’t necessarily want all my wishes to come true at once. I believe that challenges and hardships are part of life, and they help us grow and learn.  Sometimes, the journey is just as important as the destination.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on wishes, you can use the below questions.


  1. What would be one thing you would wish for your spouse?
  2. What would be one thing you hope your spouse remembers most about you if you were to die before him/her?
  3. What wishes do you have for your country?
  4. What in your life would you not change? why?
  5. What are you thankful for? Why?
  6. Is it not good to have wishful thinking? Why or why not?
  7. How often do you wish to have something in your life? Why?
  8. Do you wish to stay young forever? Why or why not?
  9. Do you wish to be very famous? Why or why not?
  10. If you were single, would you wish to have multiple sexual partners at once?


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