Conversation Questions for Discussing Money

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 3- Lesson 7

In today’s world, our relationship with money and shopping can greatly influence our lives and the choices we make. From budgeting and saving to spending habits and values, each individual’s perspective on finances is unique. The set of questions in this lesson  explores various aspects of money management, shopping preferences, and the broader implications of wealth and generosity. Let’s dive into these thought-provoking topics!


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Money

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of money, preferences, and experiences.

  • Are you a price conscious shopper? Why or why not?

You bet I am! Here in Iran, money doesn’t go as far as it does in some other countries. I’m always looking for deals and trying to be smart with my money. It’s not just about being cheap, it’s about being practical! Sometimes I even check prices online before I go shopping, just to make sure I’m getting the best deal.

  • Are you good at saving money? Why or why not?

I’m not perfect at saving, but I definitely try! I always set aside some money each month for things I need, like new clothes or books.  It’s a good habit to have. You never know when you might need that extra cash!

  • Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop? Why or why not?

Yes, I always compare prices, especially if I’m buying something expensive. I’ll check out different stores and see who has the best deal. It’s really worth the extra effort to make sure I’m not overpaying.

  • Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?

I actually do enjoy shopping, especially when I’m looking for something specific. But honestly, I’m more of a “need to shop” kind of person. I like to be organized and make sure I have everything I need.  But sometimes, I’ll treat myself to something special, especially if I’ve been working hard!

  • Do you ever buy second-hand things? (“used things”) why or why not?

Oh yes, I love second-hand shops!  There are some amazing deals to be found, and it’s so much better for the environment. You can find unique clothes, books, and even furniture for a fraction of the price.  Plus, it’s fun to discover hidden treasures!

  • Do you haggle when you shop ? Why or why not?

It’s kind of a cultural thing here in Iran. Haggling is a normal part of shopping, especially in traditional markets. It’s all about finding a price that’s fair for both the buyer and the seller. And trust me, sometimes you can get some really great deals!

  • Do you think that money can buy love? Why or why not?

I don’t think money can buy love.  Love is something that comes from the heart. You can’t just buy it.  It’s something you have to nurture and grow over time. But money can definitely help make life easier and more enjoyable. It’s a tool that can help us achieve things we care about, like helping our families or pursuing our dreams.

  • Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it?

I haven’t found a million dollars yet, but I have found some money on the street before! I always try to find the owner if possible. But if I can’t, I’ll usually donate it to charity. It feels good to give back.

  • How important is money to you? Explain.

Money is important, but it’s not everything. It’s a means to an end. I want to be financially secure so that I can have a good life and take care of myself and my family. But I also value things like health, happiness, and strong relationships. They’re much more important to me than money.

  • If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it?

If someone gave me a million dollars, I would definitely invest some of it wisely.  Maybe I’d buy a small apartment or invest in the stock market. I’d also help my family financially and donate to charities I care about.  But I wouldn’t go crazy spending it all.  I’d still want to live a simple and meaningful life.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on money, you can use the below questions.


  1. Some people say that “money makes the world go around.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  2. Which do you prefer, large stores or small stores? Why?
  3. In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both? Explain.
  4. When you buy something, what is most important to you: price, quality, fashion trend, status/image? Why?
  5. Why do people often want more money, no matter how much they have got? Explain.
  6. Why are poor people in many cases more generous than rich people? Explain.
  7. What are some reasons for people being poor? Can poverty be avoided?
  8. Have you ever had any money stolen from you? What happened?
  9. Can a person be rich without having a lot of money or possessions? How?
  10. Do you think that it is right for someone to beg for money? Why or why not?



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