Conversation Questions for Discussing Jobs

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 3- Lesson 3

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing job and occupations. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Conversation Questions about Free Time


Practice English Speaking by Talking about Jobs

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of jobs or occupation, preferences, and experiences.


1- If you could own your own business, what would it be? why?

My dream is one day to own a small grocery store. I like to meet and greet new people and become friends with my regular customers. I want to negotiate with wholesalers to get lower prices so that my customers will pay less for items in my store…..


2- If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose? why?

I prefer a satisfying job to a well-paid job because it allows me to do something I love. I think money does not bring real happiness, so to do what I love is more important than money


3- At what age do people usually retire in your country? What about you (at what age would you like to retire and why)?

It should be around 65; however, since due to high inflation, retirement salaries are relatively low, most retired people end up working possibly to the age of 75. I prefer to retire a the age of 50 if possible since it gives me enough time to travel and enjoy my bachelor life.


 4- Can you talk about what a typical day at your current job is like?

I work as a computer engineer. I attend meetings, I write codes, I fix program errors. I add comments to my codes and I also do code testing by debugging my codes for quality assurance.


  5- Can you describe some of the people that you work with?

I have worked with many technical people like graphic designers, front-end developers, security specialists and even people from business divisions like customer relationship representatives.


 6- Can you describe your current job?

My current job requires lots of mental work. I should face computer for many hours a day. Also, it requires lots of attention to details like not missing a comma. I also spend 5 hours of a week for training related to my work.


7- What plans have you made for your retirement? Explain

I would like to start traveling and visiting other countries if by the time of retiring, I have enough savings. I also like to do some volunteer work and read books related to philosophy and novels.


8- Do you have a part-time job? If so, what do you do?

No, however as the economy gets worse there will be a need for having a part-time job to meet the ends needs. On the other hand, doing a part-time job that is much related to your hobbies and passion would not be too bad. For example, I like art and drawing, so working part-time a drawing instructor would be wonderful.


9- Do you like your boss? Why or why not?

Like other bosses, he is sometimes pushy and tough, yet other times very easy going and friendly. He sometimes invites all folks in our team to a dinner or social event. All in all, I can not complain. I am not sure what my subordinates think of me now. I hope they have the same (or even better) attitude as I have toward my boss.


 10- Do you like your job? Why or why not?

Frankly speaking, I hate my job. I guess I am not alone. I guess many people who go to work every day are in the same situation as me. I’m just doing this job for money. I hope one day I earn enough money to quit it and start my own business. Nonetheless, I try to make the best of it by learning new things and applying my creativity as much as I can.


  Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on job and occupation, you can use the below questions.

1- Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job? why?

2-  Do you think it’s acceptable for women to be in the military? Why/why not?

3- Do you think people over 65 should be made to retire?

4- Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job? why/why not?

5- Do you work on weekends? Do you work on Sundays? why?

6- How do you like your work? explain the pros and cons of your work

7- How well do you get along with your boss? explain

8- What do you think you will do after you retire? explain

9- How much money do you think you need to retire with your lifestyle? why?

10- Job interview questions:

a- Why did you choose this employment?

b-  Have you ever worked in this field?

c- Where would you like to work? Why?

d- Why do you find your job interesting?



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Conversation Questions about Hobbies


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