Conversation Questions for Discussing Habits

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 3- Lesson 1

Habits play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our health, productivity, and relationships. They can be good, guiding us toward positive outcomes, or bad, leading to negative consequences. Factors such as our environment, upbringing, and personal experiences all contribute to the habits we develop. In this exploration, we’ll delve into various aspects of habits—both good and bad—and reflect on how they shape our lives and interactions with others.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Habits

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of habits, preferences, and experiences.

  • What are some of your bad/ good habits? Explain. 

Procrastination is my worst enemy! I’ll put off things until the last minute, even though I know I’ll be stressed later. It’s like my brain is playing tricks on me!  Another bad habit is spending too much time on social media. I know I should be studying or doing something productive, but the temptation is always there.

I’m a big believer in reading, so I try to make time for that every day.  Even if it’s just for a little while, reading helps me relax and learn new things. I also try to be organized and keep my space clean. I find that having a tidy space helps me think more clearly.

  • What are healthy/ bad eating habits?

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is a must! They’re packed with vitamins and minerals that keep me energized. I also love my Persian food –  it’s full of fresh herbs and spices, and it’s super healthy.

I have a weakness for sweets, especially desserts like Baqlava. They’re so delicious, but I know I should eat them in moderation. Sometimes I eat too much fast food, too. I know it’s not good for me, but it’s so convenient!

  • What are good/ bad study habits?

I always plan out my study schedule in advance so I know what I need to accomplish. I also like to study in quiet environments where I can focus. Staying organized and taking regular breaks is essential for me, too.

I sometimes get distracted by my phone while studying. I know I need to put it away, but sometimes it’s just too tempting! I also tend to cram for exams, which isn’t the best way to learn.

  • Do children learn bad habits at school or at home? Explain.

I think children learn bad habits at both school and home. At school, they might see their friends bullying others or cheating on tests. At home, they might see their parents being disrespectful or having unhealthy habits. It’s important for parents and teachers to be good role models and teach children about values like respect, honesty, and responsibility.

  • Is it easy or difficult to get rid of a bad habit? Why?

Breaking bad habits is hard! It takes time, patience, and effort. You have to be really motivated and determined. It’s like climbing a mountain. Sometimes you might feel like giving up, but you have to keep going!

I’ve been trying to break my procrastination habit for a while now. It’s not easy, but I’m starting to see some progress. I’m using a to-do list and setting small, achievable goals for myself. It’s a work in progress!

  • Do other people’s bad habits get on your nerves? Explain.

Honestly, I get a little annoyed when people are constantly late. It’s disrespectful to the people they are meeting and can disrupt plans. I also dislike people who interrupt others while they’re talking. It’s important to let people finish their thoughts!

  • Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?

You know, I’m still working on it!  It’s like a constant battle. I’ve made some progress on my procrastination habit. I’ve tried a bunch of things –  making to-do lists, setting deadlines, even using a timer to focus on tasks.  It’s helped, but sometimes I still get caught up in my own distractions!  The good news is that I’m more aware of it now, and I’m trying to be more mindful about how I spend my time.

  • Is always coming late a bad habit? Explain.

Definitely!  Being always late is a bad habit because it shows disrespect for other people’s time.  I’m not talking about being a few minutes late, but consistently showing up late for appointments or meetings. It can be frustrating and disruptive, and it can make people feel like they’re not important. In Iran, we have a saying “time is gold”, and it reminds us that we should value our time and the time of others.

  • What bad habits bother you the most? Why?

There are a few bad habits that really get on my nerves, but the top one is probably people who interrupt others when they’re talking. It’s so rude! I feel like it shows that they’re not listening or that they think their opinions are more important. Another annoying habit is people who talk loudly in public places, especially when they’re on their phones. It’s distracting and inconsiderate. In Iran, we value manners and respect, and these habits just go against that.

  • What good habits do you most admire? Why?

I really admire people who are kind and compassionate. They make the world a better place. People who are resilient and overcome challenges inspire me. They teach me that anything is possible if you set your mind to it!


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about habits, you can use the below questions.


  1. What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do they bother you?
  2. Which bad habit do you think would be the most difficult to get rid of? Why?
  3. Which good habit do you think would be the most difficult to develop? Why?
  4. Are we born with our bad habits? Or do we acquire them from the environment surrounding us?
  5. Do you bite your nails? Why?
  6. Do you oversleep? Why?
  7. Do you smoke? How often? Why?
  8. Do you drink alcohol? How often?
  9. Do you throw rubbish on the street? Why?
  10. Do your parents have any bad habits? Explain.


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