Conversation Questions for Discussing Free Time

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 3- Lesson 2

Free time is an essential part of our lives, allowing us to relax, explore our interests, and connect with others. Everyone has unique ways of spending their leisure time, influenced by personal preferences, social dynamics, and cultural contexts. In this discussion, we’ll explore various aspects of how people engage in their free time, the activities they enjoy, and the significance of these moments in their lives.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Free Time

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of free time, preferences, and experiences.


  • What do you do in your free time? Explain. 

My free time is precious! I love spending it with my friends. We usually meet up at cafes for a cup of coffee and talk about everything under the sun. It’s so relaxing and fun. I also enjoy exploring the city and visiting new places. I recently discovered this cute bookstore in Mashhad called Ketabkhaneh-ye Koocheh. It’s like a little haven for book lovers! I also love getting lost in a good book or watching a movie.


  • What are you doing this weekend? Explain.  

This weekend, I’m actually planning a trip with my friends to Isfahan.  It’s one of the most beautiful cities in Iran, with stunning architecture and a rich history.  We’re going to visit the historical bridges, the Jameh Mosque, and the Chehel Sotoun Palace.  I’m really excited to experience the city and try some local food!


  • Who do you spend your free time with? Why?

Most of my free time is spent with my friends. We’ve been close since high school and we share a lot of common interests. We laugh together, talk about our lives, and support each other through thick and thin. They’re like my family!


  • How do you like to spend your free time? Why?

I like to do things that are both relaxing and stimulating.  I find that a good balance of activities is key to enjoying my free time.  I love reading, watching movies, and listening to music.  But I also appreciate the chance to get out and explore the world.  I think it’s important to challenge myself and learn new things.


  • If you had more free time, what would you do with it? Explain.

If I had more free time, I’d love to travel more!  Iran is such a diverse and beautiful country, but I haven’t been able to see it all yet. I’d also like to learn new skills, like playing the piano or painting.  There are so many things I want to do, but time just seems to fly by!


  • Tell me about some good places to hang out. Why are they good?

There are so many great places to hang out in Mashhad!  Some of my favorites are:


Cafeh Koocheh: These small, cozy cafes are perfect for meeting friends and enjoying a cup of Chai.  They’re usually very lively and have a great atmosphere.


Melat Park: Mashhad has many parks, but I love Melat Park for its beautiful flowers and trees. It’s a great place to relax, take a walk, or have a picnic.


I also love exploring different districts of Mashhad and trying traditional Iranian food. There are so many hidden gems in the city, from old tea houses to modern restaurants.


  • Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?

Most young people in Mashhad like to hang out in cafes, shopping malls, and parks. The city also has a vibrant nightlife scene, with many bars and clubs that stay open late.


  • What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time? Explain.

That’s a tough question! I’m not sure I’d give up anything for more free time. I value my work and the things I’m learning, but I also wouldn’t trade my time with friends and family for anything. Maybe I’d give up some of my TV watching time. I’m sure I could live without it.


  • Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?

Honestly, I think men and women have very similar free time activities in Iran. Both genders enjoy spending time with friends, going out, and exploring the city.  But there are some differences, of course.  For example, women might be more likely to go to the movies or shopping with their girlfriends, while men might prefer to go to the gym or play sports.


  • Do people’s leisure time activities change as they get older? How?

Yes, leisure time activities definitely change as people get older.  Younger people tend to be more interested in social activities, while older people may prioritize more relaxed hobbies like reading, gardening, or spending time with their grandchildren. But I think it’s important to stay active and engaged at any age!


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about free time, you can use the below questions.


  1. Do you like gossiping in your free time? Who do you gossip with? Who do you gossip about?
  2. What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time? Why?
  3. Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How?
  4. Are there any activities that you used to do but don’t do anymore? Why did you stop?
  5. What are your hobbies? Explain.
  6. Which hobbies are the most expensive/ cheapest?
  7. Which hobbies cost nothing at all?
  8. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?
  9. Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?
  10. Did you have any hobbies when you were a child? Explain.


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