Idioms on Bird

This is lesson 2 from Idiom Part 2. Each idiom is followed by its definition and examples. After you learn them, you can use them in your daily conversation.


Previous English Idiom Lesson

In our previous English idiom lesson, we cover below:

Idioms Related To Animals


English Idiom Part 2- Lesson 2

1- Kill two birds with one stone= achieve two aims at once.

I can bring your suit to the cleaners when I pick up the kids and kill two birds with one stone.


2- Watching me like a hawk= to carefully watch sb/sth all the time

When I was at home, mum and dad watched me like a hawk.


3- Take sb under his wing= start to protect and take care of sb

He took the rookie pitcher under his wing.


4- In a flap= confusion or panic

He got in a flap over the delays in the schedule.


5- Parrot fashion= if you learn something parrot fashion you learn it word by word

Babies repeat what we say in parrot  fashion.


6- Wouldn’t say boo to a goose= sb who is shy and easily frightened

He seemed the kind of chap who wouldn’t say boo to a goose


7- As the crow flies = shortest route between two points

It’s 10 miles as the crow flies.


8- In one fell swoop= all in one go.

I got all my Christmas shopping done in one fell swoop.


9- As dead as dodo= completely dead or extinct or no longer effective, valid, or interesting

The campaign was as dead as a dodo


10- As sick as a parrot= disappointed, unhappy, or depressed about sth

He was sick as a parrot when he found out he had missed the first half of the movie.


11- Fly the nest= To move out of one’s parents’ house for the first time.

I’m so nervous to fly the nest and start college this fall because I’ve never lived on my own before.


12- Swan around= to wander aimlessly

She spends her time swanning around the world.


13- Pecking order= a hierarchy among people, nations or classes

As an assistant manager, he was pretty low in the company’s pecking order.


14- Nest egg= a sum of money put as a reserve or saving

Regular savings of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.


Next English Idiom Lesson

In our next English idiom lesson, we cover below:

Idioms Related To Body

Related Idioms

Here is the list of idioms related to this lesson.


Idiom Part 1 Outline

If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Idiom Part 1, you can visit the Essential and Popular English idioms- Part 1 page.


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