Word of the Day: Suit
A “suit” is a form of clothing. It’s usually a coat and a matching pair of pants worn in a business setting or for formal occasions:
- Bill wears a suit when he goes to work.
- Rick had to put on a suit for his sister’s wedding.
- Regina wears a suit in the office. Her skirt matches her coat.
- Put on your bathing suit if you want to go swimming. (The thing a person wears when swimming is also called a “suit.”)
As a verb, the word “suit” means to fit or to be a good size:
simple | past | past participle |
- Her hairstyle suits her well. (It looks good on her.)
- The job you have really suits you well. (This is a good job for you. It fits your personality and your character.)
- The car that David drives suits his personality. (He drives a Mercedes, he’s rich, and he’s confident.)
- This house once suited our needs, but now we need something bigger.
- Regina wasn’t suited to be a salesperson, so the company let her go.
- A small laptop computer will suit your needs when you travel.
If you add “able” to the word “suit,” you get the adjective, “suitable.”
- R-rated movies are not suitable entertainment for children.
- David needs to find a car that is suitable for a large family.
- They decided that the contract wasn’t suitable, so they renegotiated an agreement.
- A refugee camp is not a suitable place to live for an extended period of time.
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