Meaning and usage of suggest word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word suggest

Word of the Day: Suggest

To suggest is to offer an idea. It’s often used as a polite way of asking someone to do something.

simple past past participle
  • May I suggest something?
  • I’m looking for some ideas. What do you suggest?
  • Eric suggests that we try that new Ethiopian place that opened up in St. Paul. (This sentence is in the present tense.)
  • The governor is suggesting that more money needs to be spent on early childhood education.
  • If you would like to suggest your ideas, you can email the owner.
  • It was suggested by a player on the soccer team that practice be scheduled a little earlier in the day. (The verb “suggest” is in the passive voice in this sentence.)

The word “suggestion” is a noun:

  • May I make a suggestion?
  • That’s a good suggestion. (That’s a good idea.)
  • Suggestions are always welcome.
  • What is your suggestion?
  • What kinds of suggestions are being made by the customers?
  • You made a very good suggestion.
  • Our supervisor said that he would consider our suggestion for increasing salaries.


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