Word of the Day: Suck
The act of taking something into your mouth by breathing inward or by creating a vacuum with your mouth for the consumption of liquid is to suck. This is similar to drinking, but the application of pressure is important. When a person or a thing sucks, materials or liquids go in.
- You use a straw to suck on a milkshake.
- Baby mammals suck on their mother’s mammary glands for milk.
- A vacuum sucks up dirt and small objects around the house.
- A hose can suck water out of a truck or a fire hydrant when there’s a fire.
The word “suck” is also very popular when describing something or a situation that isn’t good. But be careful! The use of the word “suck” is slightly vulgar. It’s not recommended in formal settings.
- That movie really sucked. (It was a bad movie.)
- Getting a flat tire on the highway during a thunderstorm totally sucked.
- It must suck to have to work on the weekend.
- This sucks!
- I suck at basketball.
- Our team sucked last year, but this year we’re much better.
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