Meaning and usage of stuff word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word stuff

Word of the Day: Stuff

There are a few different ways of using the word “stuff.” If it’s a noun, it means things or activities and it can be used for just about anything; if it’s a verb or an adjective, it means to fill or put things into something.

In the examples below, the word “stuff” is a noncount noun:


  • Is this your stuff?
  • Whose stuff is this?
  • I have a lot of stuff in my house.
  • How much stuff do you have in your car?
  • Do you have a lot of stuff in your pocket?
  • This stuff is bad for you. You shouldn’t drink it.


  • We had a lot of stuff that we needed to do after school.
  • Sheila likes to do stuff with her friends.
  • What kind of stuff does she like to do?
  • The stuff that they’re doing in class is very interesting.

In the next set of examples, the word “stuff” is a verb and it means to fill:

simple past past participle
  • The children stuffed their mouths with candy.
  • We stuffed our suitcases with our things and left the hotel.
  • Many people stuff a turkey with stuffing (bread cubes, celery, spices, nuts) before it goes into the oven.
  • Those who stuff themselves with junk food get no nutritional value from the food.

The word “stuff” can also be used as an adjective:

  • I feel stuffed. (I ate too much.)
  • There’s a stuffed turkey in the oven.
  • Children love to play with stuffed animals.


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