Meaning and usage of stir word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word stir

Word of the Day: Stir

To stir is to move. Usually, the movement is in a circular pattern, but this word can also be used when a person wakes up, when a person moves, or when someone causes trouble.

  • Donna stirred her coffee. She put cream and sugar into the coffee and stirred.
  • It’s necessary to stir the rice after it comes to a boil.
  • Keep stirring the concrete. If you stop, it will get hard.
  • If you don’t keep stirring the vegetables and the meat, they’ll burn.
  • Have you ever eaten stir-fried food?
  • I tried to wake my son, but he wouldn’t stir.
  • The alarm stirred Gloria out of a deep sleep.
  • Bears begin to stir from their hibernation sometime in March.
  • The old man down the street is known for stirring up trouble. (stir up trouble = cause trouble)
  • You’re going to stir up a hornet’s nest if you raise this issue in the meeting. (stir up a hornet’s nest = do or say something that invites controversy.)
  • People go stir crazy during the winter if they don’t get outside and move around. (stir crazy = a condition caused by constant confinement. People kept in small spaces such as airplanes, prison cells, and rooms go “stir crazy.”)


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