Word of the Day: Sting
The word “sting” is used when a person is harmed by an insect such as a bee, a mosquito, or a wasp. It’s also used when a person experiences pain.
simple | past | past participle |
- I got stung by a bee.
- A wasp will sting you if it’s disturbed.
- Have you ever been stung?
- Ow, that stings! (That hurts!)
- Pouring alcohol on an open cut stings.
- The nurse warned the patient that the injection would sting a little.
In these sentences, the word “sting” is a noun:
- He’s being treated for a bee sting.
- A person who is allergic to a bee sting has to be very careful around bees.
Sometimes a sting is a prearranged trap for criminals. Law enforcement agencies plan to entrap someone who is known to commit crimes or likely to do something that is illegal.
- The thieves were captured in a sting operation.
- The FBI arranged the sting.
- The movie American Hustle is about a sting that took place in the 1970s.
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