Meaning and usage of slow word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word slow

Word of the Day: Slow

The word “slow” is the opposite of “fast.” Use this adjective to describe movement, time, and progress. The adverb form of this word is “slowly.”

  • A turtle is slow.
  • A turtle moves slowly.
  • I got behind a slow truck.
  • The truck was moving slowly.
  • It has been a slow day.
  • The meeting was agonizingly slow.
  • The speaker spoke slowly in order to avoid making mistakes.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. (This is a proverb. It means that if you take your time and don’t try to go to quickly, you will succeed.)

This word can also be used as a verb, usually with the preposition “down.”

  • Slow down.
  • The car slowed down and came to a stop.
  • When the economy slows down, that means there might be a recession.
  • Production at the factory has been slowing down lately.

The comparative form of this adjective is made by adding “er” to “slow.”

  • Tom is slower than his brother.
  • This car is slower than the other car we drove.
  • An old computer is much slower than a new computer.

The comparative form of the adverb is made by adding “more” to “slowly.” However, you will also hear “slower” used as an adverb–which is okay.

  • Toms runs more slowly than his brother. He runs slower.
  • This car goes more slowly than the other car we drove. This car goes slower.
  • An old computer operates more slowly than a new computer. An old computer processes information slower than a new one.


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