Meaning and usage of shame word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word shame

Word of the Day: Shame

To feel shame is to feel embarrassed about behavior, or to feel bad about a personal situation.

  • The shame that Roy feels about his behavior was revealed by his blushing cheeks.
  • Todd brought shame upon his family when he went to jail for selling drugs.
  • The lawyer shamed the defendant into admitting his guilt before a packed courtroom.
  • A person who is incapable of feeling shame does not have much of a conscience.
  • It’s a shame to waste food.
  • It’s a shame when the world turns its back on people in need.

The word “shame” can also be used as a verb. To shame someone is to make that person’s behavior public.

simple past past participle
  • Miss Johnson shamed a male student by calling out his inappropriate behavior towards a female student.
  • He was shamed by the teacher. (This sentence is in the passive voice.)
  • Phyllis felt fat-shamed by someone who commented on how much food she eats.
  • Some people take to Twitter in order to shame others publicly.

The word “ashamed” is an adjective used to describe how a person feels.

  • The teacher told Joe that he should feel ashamed of himself for his behavior.
  • Joe feels ashamed of himself.
  • He’s ashamed of what he has done.

The word “shameful” is also an adjective used to describe a situation:

  • It’s shameful that so little attention is given to the needs of the poor.
  • The demonstration by the white supremacists was a shameful display of hatred and racism.
  • The leaders of the city are shamefully ignorant of the problems created by a local factory. (The word “shamefully” is an adverb.)

There are some common expressions that use the word “shame.”

  • That’s a shame. (That’s too bad. I feel sorry for that person or the situation)
  • What a shame! (That’s a terrible situation and a big loss.)
  • Shame on you! (Your behavior was bad.)
  • Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. (I should have learned not to trust you after the first time you tricked me.)


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