Word of the Day: Salary
A salary is an amount of money that is paid to an employee of a company on a yearly or monthly basis. This is different from an hourly wage, which is an amount a person makes per hour. Salaried workers usually receive a paycheck every two weeks, often on Friday, or they are regularly paid twice a month on particular dates.
- Monica receives her salary on the 15th and the 28th of every month.
- A portion of her salary goes towards taxes and savings.
- Kevin is paid a good salary as an office manager.
- The company pays his salary through direct deposit every other Friday.
- Workers at the company say their salaries are too low.
- It’s not polite to ask about a person’s salary. (“How much do you make per year?”)
- People who live on the east coast or the west coast of the United States generally receive higher salaries than people who live in the midwest.
- Ron says he’d rather be paid an hourly wage than a salary because he can make more money that way.
- If you don’t like your salary, you can try to find a different job.
- If you apply for a mortgage, a credit card, or a loan, you’ll have to report your salary on the application form.
Note: Because the average worker puts in 2000 hours of labor per year, a salaried worker can calculate the hourly wage by dividing the amount of the salary by 2000.
For example:
$36,000 / 2000 = $13 per hour
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