Meaning and usage of pot word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word pot

Word of the Day: Pot

pot is a container that holds something inside of it.

  • Large pots are useful for making soup or boiling pasta.
  • A pot usually comes with a lid. A lid covers the pot.
  • If you do a lot of cooking, you have to clean a lot of pots and pans.
  • A coffee pot holds coffee.
  • I make a pot of coffee every morning.
  • Modern coffee pots are made of glass and fit inside a coffee maker.
  • Flower pots contain flowers.
  • A pot is also used for growing houseplants.
  • Pots of this kind are usually made of plastic or clay.
  • If you are very lucky, one day you might win or find a pot of gold.
  • A pot of gold could be worth millions and millions of dollars!


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