Meaning and usage of other word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word other

Word of the Day: Other

Use the word “other” when there is one thing, one person, or one group in addition to something else.

  • These loaves of bread aren’t fresh. The other loaves are okay.
  • On the other side of the street, there’s a bank. (Streets have two sides: one side and the other side.)
  • We use three books for this class. Two of the books are for reading. The other book is a workbook that students can take home with them.
  • Just the other day we were at the beach and watching the sunset. (the other day = a day in the recent past.
  • These trees look healthy. The others don’t look so good.

The word “other” is different from the words “others” and “another.”

Note: The word “other” uses a voiced “th” sound.


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