Meaning and usage of ooze word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word ooze

Word of the Day: Ooze

When something oozes, it comes out slowly or it flows in a slow, thick mass of liquidy substance.

  • There’s some thick oily stuff oozing from my engine.
  • Mud oozed onto the highway following the storm.
  • Mucus is oozing from the boy’s nose. I think he’s sick.
  • A little bit of blood oozed through the bandage that was placed on the woman’s injured leg.
  • Sweat oozed from all over the runner’s body after the race was over.

This word is also used in a figurative sense:

  • His brain is oozing with knowledge.
  • Young women ooze with desire for the members of One Dimension.
  • The football players are oozing with confidence following their most recent victory.


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