Word of the Day: Kite
A kite is a small, lightweight structure that lifts into the air with the power of the wind. It’s usually made of paper or plastic and wooden sticks form the frame.
- They’re flying a kite.
- It’s fun to fly a kite when it’s windy.
- If there’s no wind, the kite won’t take off. (take off = lift up into the air)
- Have you ever flown a kite before?
There’s an expression in English that some people use when they get angry at another person: go fly a kite. This expression is also used in response to a request that seems unreasonable:
- When Todd asked the man to move his car, the man replied, “Go fly a kite.”
- If they think I’m going to pay extra money for an extended warranty on the computer, they can go fly a kite.
Note: The piece of string at the end of the kite is called the tail. Without a tail, a kite won’t fly.
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