Meaning and usage of input word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word input

Word of the Day: Input

Use the word “input” when describing a person’s advice or help. If you have anything to contribute to a problem or a situation, that’s your input.

  • I welcome your input. (input = ideas; feedback)
  • Thanks for your input.
  • The CEO solicits input from his employees.
  • Advisors provide valuable input for the people they serve.
  • Input from the community helps city leaders decide on big issues.
  • The administration ignored the input offered by the teachers at the school. This made the teachers very angry.

The word “input” is often used when describing the process of entering data and information through a computer:

  • An example of an input device for a computer is a keyboard.
  • Users can input personal information on a touch screen. (input = fill in)


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