Meaning and usage of grope word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word grope

Word of the Day: Grope

A person who gropes another person touches him or her in a manner that is unwanted, uncomfortable, and in some cases, against the law.

  • Several prominent politicians and celebrities in the United States have faced allegations of groping in the last few weeks.
  • Matt Lauer, the host of NBC’s Today show, was accused of groping women with whom he worked.
  • A U.S. senator was said to have groped several women before and after he became a senator. (A senator is a member of the U.S. Senate. There are 100 senators.)
  • Groping is a form of harassment.
  • A person who gropes is called a groper.
  • Women and girls may find themselves victims of groping in crowded places, such as trains, elevators, and large crowds.
  • Anyone who is groped needs to say something by identifying the person who did it. (This sentence is in the passive voice.)
  • To have groped another person is shameful.
  • Anyone who has groped another person should be ashamed.

The word “grope” is also used as a verb when a person is looking for something or having difficulty finding his or her way forward:

  • The sudden death of her husband left Rosa groping for a new direction in her life.
  • When the power went out, Harold had to grope his way through the darkness to find a flashlight.
  • Tom groped about the nightstand for his glasses when he woke up.


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