Meaning and usage of feast word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word feast

Word of the Day: Feast

The word “feast” is used when there is a large amount of food prepared for a special gathering, usually a holiday, but it can be used for any occasion.

  • We’re going to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for our guests in a few weeks.
  • After the Hajj, Muslim people around the world celebrate Eid with a feast.
  • People like to go to buffet restaurants because they can feast on as much food as they want. (In this sentence, “feast” is used as a verb and it means to eat.)
  • This is a feast fit for a king.

You can also use the word “feast” metaphorically:

  • The poems in this book are a feast for the imagination.
  • The technology conference offered a virtual feast of new gadgets and electronic toys.

The word “feast” is included in the expression “feast your eyes” when something is interesting or fascinating:

  • Feast your eyes on this! It’s the all new electric Tesla Model S.
  • We couldn’t help but feast our eyes on all the old and beautiful buildings and houses in Heidelberg.


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