Meaning and usage of extra word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word extra

Word of the Day: Extra

The word “extra” means more or another.

  • We had to pay extra money for our tickets.
  • There was an extra cost.
  • Does the drink cost extra or is it included with the meal?
  • Is there enough room for an extra person in the car?
  • Jim doesn’t want to do any extra work on his house.
  • They had to stay an extra day in Dallas because their flight was delayed.
  • Frosting on the cake made it extra delicious but also extra fattening.
  • The baseball game went into extra innings. (You can’t have a tie score in baseball, so the game is extended until there’s a winner.)

You can also use “extra” as a prefix to create new words. In this case, the situation or thing is very good or a large amount.

  • The wine had an extraordinary taste. (It’s very good.)
  • An extraordinary amount of time and effort went into the development of that product. (There are two ways to pronounce the word “extraordinary.” The first example is more common.)
  • He’s extraordinarily talented. (He has a lot of talent.)
  • She has extravagant tastes in clothing. (The clothing is expensive and very fancy.)
  • Audience members expected an extravaganza of music, singing, and dancing at the show.


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