Meaning and usage of expire word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word expire

Word of the Day: Expire

When something expires, it’s out of date or it has reached some limit that makes it unusable.

  • If your driver’s license is about to expire, you have to renew it. You can’t drive on an expired license.
  • If a package of food has an expiration date, you must check it to see if the package of food has expired. If so, you should probably throw the food away.
  • A coupon offering a discount on a purchase might expire if you don’t use it.
  • I wasn’t able to use a coupon for a car repair because the coupon had expired.
  • Sometimes I don’t throw away food past the expiration date because the food is still good.

Here are some typical questions people ask to find out when something expires:

  • When does this expire?
  • What is the expiration date?
  • How much time do I have before this expires?
  • Does this offer ever expire?


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