Meaning and usage of ear word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word ear

Word of the Day: Ear

The ear is that part of the body that is used for hearing and listening to sound. Human beings and animals have ears.

  • We hear sounds all around us, whether we want to or not.
  • When we pay attention to and think about a sound, we listen to it.
  • The doctor looks in your ears when you go for a physical examination.
  • An ear makes a handy resting place for a pencil. He’s got a pencil behind his ear.
  • She grabbed him by the ear and scolded him because he did something that was very bad.
  • She’s got smoke coming out of her ears because she’s so angry.
  • She’s wearing ear muffs to keep her ears warm.
  • Headphones go over your ears to provide a private listening experience, or headphones help block sound from reaching your ears.
  • The part of the ear that picks up sound and sends it to your brain is called the ear drum.
  • The word “ear” is used for corn. This is an ear of corn.

There are some popular expressions that include the word “ear.”

  • That’s music to my ears. (That information makes me happy.)
  • She’s grinning from ear to ear. (She’s very happy.)
  • The teacher’s advice fell on deaf ears. (The students didn’t listen to anything the teacher said.)
  • What are your ideas? I’m all ears. (I want to hear what you have to say.)
  • I can’t believe my ears. (This is hard to believe.)
  • He’s a little wet behind the ears. (He’s inexperienced.)
  • I would like to learn to play music by ear. (I want the ability to participate in playing of music without having to read music notation or use music charts.)
  • Can you play the guitar by ear?
  • We’re just going to have to play this by ear. (We don’t have any plans. We will deal with the situation as it unfolds in real time.)


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