Word of the Day: Concern
Use the word “concern” when an important situation needs attention. It’s similar to the word “worry.”
- I have several concerns regarding this procedure.
- Todd’s teachers have expressed some concern about his behavior in class.
- There’s growing concern about the candidacy of Donald Trump among Republicans. They’re already worried that he’s going to lose the election.
In the next set of sentences, the word “concern” is a verb:
- Your attitude in class concerns us.
- We’re concerned by your attitude. (This sentence is in the passive voice.)
- The presence of a nuclear energy plant concerns local residents.
The word “concerned” can function as an adjective.
- I’m concerned. That’s why I called.
- Concerned parents gathered at the community meeting to learn more about the closing of a school.
- Why are you so concerned? (Why are you so worried?)
Sometimes the word “concern” is used when trying to determine a reason or a degree of involvement:
- We received a letter concerning some changes that are being made to a local park.
- What does this concern?
- May I ask you what your call is concerning?
- This doesn’t concern you. (This doesn’t involve you. Stay out of it.)
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