Meaning and usage of buck word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word buck

Word of the Day: Buck

The word “buck” is commonly used when talking about money in the United States. A buck is one dollar. In the plural form use “bucks.”

  • Brianna paid ten bucks for a box of tomatoes at the farmers’ market.
  • I remember when gas was less than a buck a gallon.
  • Can you lend me a buck?
  • He needs a few bucks.
  • It’s a buck and a half to ride the bus. ($1.50)
  • Herman’s shoes cost him over a hundred bucks.
  • He’s making big bucks. (big bucks = a lot of money)
  • The penthouse apartment she rents costs big bucks.

We usually don’t use “buck” when asking about money. Don’t say, for example, “How many bucks does it cost”? or “How many bucks do you have?” That sounds silly. When asking a question, simply ask “How much does it cost?’ or “How much money do you have?”

The word “buck” is also used when referring to a male deer.

  • Brian shot a ten-point buck last weekend.
  • A large buck was spotted walking through the forest a few hours ago.

 buck = male deer

doe = female deer

Note: A popular quotation in the United States is “The buck stops here.” It means that responsibility for a decision rests with the decision maker. Presidents of the United States often use it when talking about themselves. This quote originated with President Harry Truman, but it can also be used by anyone who is in a position of responsibility, especially when it comes to making really big decisions.


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