Word of the Day: Bath
A person who washes the body with soap and water takes a bath.
- He’s taking a bath.
- He’s sitting in a bath tub.
- Do you take a bath, or do you prefer to take a shower?
- Kids need to take baths regularly even though they may resist.
The word “bathe” is a verb. Notice that the addition of the “e” at the end of “bath” changes the vowel sound. To bathe can include showering.
- He’s bathing in hot, soapy water.
- People who bathe regularly require a good source of clean water.
- Her bathing habits include a hot shower before she leaves for work.
- Cats don’t need to take baths. They bathe themselves.
Note: The “th” sound that comes at the end of “bath” or “bathe” might be difficult for some students.
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