the iracle of purun bhagat short story for learning english

Intermediate Listening Series 3 Lesson 11- The Miracle of Purun Bhagat Short Story in English

In this lesson, you listen to The Miracle of Purun Bhagat Short Story in English. This story from Rudyard Kipling’s Second Jungle Book is about a high-ranking, British educated, Indian government official who gives up everything he owns and begins a new life as a wandering holy-man. He experiences earthly peace in a mountainside shrine high above a small village, and reverence and permanent peace under a tree on the opposite side of the valley. The story shows how sometimes the Hindu concept of acceptance of one’s fate needs to be countered with an authoritative (Western-style) call to action. Themes: Western vs Hindu values, search for enlightenment, human-animal bonding, spiritualism, faith.


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