Common English Idioms Part 1- Lesson 9: Competition Idioms and Phrases
This is lesson 9 from Idiom Part 1. Each idiom is followed by its definition and examples. After you learn them, you can use them in your daily conversation.
Previous English Idiom Lesson
In our previous English idiom lesson, we cover below:
English Phrases Used in Office
Competition Idioms and Phrases with Meanings
1- At a steady pace= happening gradually and consistently
Public spending continues to rise at a steady pace.
2- Handed the baton= handing the job over to someone else
He’s handed the baton over to Jeff until he’s well enough to return to work.
3- On the home straight= the last part of a long and difficult activity
It’s taken three months, but we’re on the home straight now.
4- Deserve a medal= said when a job is well done
You finished your department’s annual report in only four days. You deserve a medal for that.
5- A major hurdle = great obstacle
Getting the Board of Directors to agree to the changes we want to make could be a major hurdle.
6- On the last lap = almost finished
Don’t worry. Only two hundred more addresses. We’re on the last lap now.
7- On the starting blocks= on the primary stages
The shareholders’ report hasn’t been written yet. I’m afraid we’re still on the starting blocks
8- A race against time= in a hurry
Everything needs to be finished by Friday, so we’re in a race against time.
9- Working overtime= when someone works more than the usual required time
The project won’t be finished if we keep this pace. We gotta work overtime.
10- The finishing line is in sight= The end of process, development or endeavor
I’m pleased to say the finishing line is in sight. The book will be published in the spring.
11- (Turn into or become a ) Marathon= when a task is taking too long to finish.
This project is taking ages. It’s turning into a marathon, hasn’t it?
12- In a record time= rapidly, very fast
Everyone worked so well together that the brochure was designed, printed, and in the shops in a record time.
13- Fall at the first hurdle=It goes wrong or fails at early stage (like starting point)
The idea could fall at the first hurdle if they fail to secure the investors approval
Next English Idiom Lesson
In our next English idiom lesson, we cover below:
Related Idioms
Here is the list of idioms related to this lesson.
Idiom Part 1 Outline
If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Idiom Part 1, you can visit the Most Common English Idioms- Part 1 page.
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