Meaning and usage of wit word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word wit

Word of the Day: Wit

The word “wit” is similar to the word “humor” except that wit is dependent on intellect to make people laugh or provide amusement.

  • Audiences are attracted by a comedian’s humor and wit.
  • The speaker’s remarks were laced with wit and sarcasm.
  • She knows how to use wit to support her arguments.
  • Garrison Keillor is known for his brilliant wit.
  • Brevity is the soul of wit. (This is a well-known proverb.)

The word “witty” is an adjective:

  • The woman made a very witty remark.
  • That’s a very witty expression.
  • How witty!
  • That’s so witty.
  • We love that TV show because the host is so witty.
  • The man likes to think he’s witty, but he really lacks an understanding of wit.

You can also use the word “wit” when referring to a person’s ability to think through difficult situations. (In this case the word “wit” is always plural: wits.)

  • You really have to have your wits about you when traveling to a foreign country.
  • After being a teacher for 40 years, the old man lost his wits.
  • You have to use your wits to figure out what to do.
  • I’m at my wits’ end. (This is an expression. It means that you are very frustrated with a situation or a person.)
  • He gets by on his wits. (He does well because he’s smart.)


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