Meaning and usage of swell word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word swell

Word of the Day: Swell

When something swells, it gets bigger or it increases.

simple past past participle
swelled or swollen
  • Wendy’s face swells up if she has an allergic reaction to medication.
  • The river that goes through our town swells to twice its regular size after heavy rains.
  • Ralph’s arm began to swell after he was hit with a baseball.
  • His arm became bruised and swollen. (The word “swollen” is an adjective in this sentence.)
  • After a dentist gives you novocain for dental work, that part of your mouth will feel swollen and numb.
  • The city population swelled quickly after gold was discovered nearby.
  • Doctors relieved the swelling in the man’s brain in order to save his life. (The word “swelling” is a noun in this sentence.)
  • Putting ice on an injury can help reduce the swelling.

The word “swell” can also be used as an adjective that means something is good. (However, this usage is a little outdated.)

  • That was a swell party. (That was a good party.)
  • I feel swell today.
  • That sounds swell.
  • That’s just swell. (This could be said in a sarcastic manner, which would have the opposite meaning.)


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