Meaning and usage of study word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word study

Word of the Day: Study

To study is to focus one’s attention on a subject for the purpose of learning about it. You probably already know the meaning of this word, so here I’ll show you what it looks like in various tenses:

simple past past participle
  • study every day. (present tense)
  • He studies with his friends. (present tense)
  • We’re studying for our finals. (present continuous)
  • Julia studied hard for her test. (past tense)
  • We’re going to study this weekend. (future)
  • What will she study in college? (future)
  • Jonathan hopes to study law when he goes to college. (infinitive)
  • You should study accounting. (modal: should)
  • can’t study with all this noise. (modal: can)
  • Have you ever studied physics? (present perfect)
  • They’ve been studying for over five hours. (present perfect continuous.)
  • You should have been studying last night. (modal + present perfect continuous)
  • If Gably hadn’t studied hard in school, she never would have become a doctor. (past perfect)
  • French is studied by people all over the world. (present tense, passive voice)
  • The area was studied carefully before anything was built on it. (past tense, passive voice)

The adjective form for this word is “studious.”

  • If Zefferino were more studious, he’d do better in school.
  • Kids on this campus are known for being studious.
  • Desks, tables, and wooden chairs create a more studious environment than couches and bean bag chairs.

This word can also be used as a noun. A study is something that is researched or involves experimentation.

  • A medical study revealed the long-term benefits of exercise.
  • I read an interesting study about the impact of plastic in the environment.
  • The university is conducting a study to determine the affects of low-level radiation on the human body.


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