Meaning and usage of stay word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word stay

Word of the Day: Stay

To stay is to be in one place, usually for a temporary period of time. This word is often used for people who are traveling:

  • Harold stayed at a very nice hotel when he went on vacation with this family.
  • If you visit New York, where will you stay?
  • The Palmer House in Chicago is a great place to stay.
  • Everyone was curious to know where Barack Obama was staying when he visited our city.

As a verb, “stay” is similar to the verb “remain.”

  • Vanessa’s hair won’t stay in place unless she puts something on it.
  • A two-year old has a hard time staying in one place for very long.
  • Those items on sale won’t stay around for very long because they’re so cheap.
  • The meat that we put in the freezer will stay good for several weeks.
  • Stay where you are and I’ll pick you up.
  • We could not stay at the party for more than an hour.
  • I’m sorry, I can’t stay. (A person says this when he or she shows up a place but then must leave immediately.)

The word “stay” can be used as a noun. A stay is a temporary visit.

  • Yolanda had an overnight stay in Memphis.
  • Bill and Jennifer have a two-week stay in Barcelona.
  • The manager of the hotel told his guests that he hoped they enjoyed their stay.
  • I hope you enjoyed your stay.

To overstay is to stay in a place for too long:

  • Li overstayed his visa.
  • A group of rowdy college kids on vacation overstayed their welcome. (They stayed too long and their behavior wasn’t very good. To overstay one’s welcome is an expression.)


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