Meaning and usage of shake word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word shake

Word of the Day: Shake

Use the word “shake” to describe sudden movement of an object or a part of the body.

“Shake” is usually used as a verb, and because it’s an irregular verb, you need to learn about its four main forms:

past participle
present participle
  • The ground shakes when there’s an earthquake.
  • Did you shake the orange juice before you poured it?
  • Some performers shake their bodies and roll their hips when they sing.
  • Lena’s entire car shook while driving over the gravel road.
  • Old buildings can’t stand too much shaking of the ground. They crack and fall apart.
  • His whole body started to shake because he was so nervous.

The word “shake” is also used when two people clasp hands in greeting, parting, or when signifying an agreement:

  • Mike and Bob shook hands when they came to an agreement.
  • Have you ever shaken hands with the President of the United States?

shaker is a thing that shakes. This is a salt shaker

  • Use a salt shaker to shake salt onto your food.
  • Use a pepper shaker or a pepper mill to put pepper onto your food.


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