Word of the Day: Opposite
The word “opposite” is used to describe something that is extremely different from another thing, or it’s on the other side of a thing:
In these examples, “opposite” is an adjective:
- On the opposite side of the room is the door.
- Betty is sitting on one side of the table; Harold is sitting on the opposite side.
- China is on the opposite side of the world from the United States.
- The goalie kicked the ball to the opposite side of the field.
- What’s the opposite meaning for the word “interesting.”
The word “opposite” is also a noun:
- The opposite of safe is dangerous.
- The opposite of old is young.
- The opposite of easy is difficult.
- These words are opposites.
- Ali and Sophia are opposites. He’s not at all a religious person, but she is.
- They say that opposites attract. (A person may find another person who is very different to be attractive.)
Related to the word “opposite,” is the verb “oppose.” To “oppose” is to say “no” or disagree.
- The students are opposed to going to school on Saturday. (“Opposed to” is often followed by a gerund.)
- Taxpayers said they were opposed to spending more money on an expanded highway.
- I’m opposed to that. (I disagree with that.)
The word “opposition” is a noun or an adjective. This word is used to refer to people who have opposing points of view or to thing that is opposite.
- Democrats and Republicans in the United States are often in opposition to each other.
- Public opposition to the proposal was quite strong.
- Their team faces strong opposition this year.
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