Meaning and usage of often word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word often

Word of the Day: Often

The word “often” is an adverb that is used for situations that happen frequently compared to other, similar situations. Synonyms for “often” are usually, many times, and a lot.

  • She’s goes there often. (She goes there a lot.)
  • He often wears sunglasses. (He usually wears sunglasses.)
  • I often drive through Wisconsin. (I have driven through Wisconsin many times.)

The use of this word is dependent on the person who uses it, or it’s dependent on the situation.

  • Tony is often late for work. (He’s late six or seven times per month. That’s a lot!)
  • We often eat at the diner down the street. (We eat there two or three times per week.)
  • I often visit New York on business. (I go there three or four times per year.)
  • He often raises his hand in class. (He’s a good student and he participates in classroom discussion every day.)

When “often” is used with negative verbs, it regularly goes to the end of the sentence:

  • She doesn’t go there often.
  • He doesn’t wear sunglasses often.
  • I don’t drive through Wisconsin often.
  • I don’t often drive through Wisconsin. (Some people put “often” between the helping verb and the main verb. This is okay.)

The adverbs “too” and “very” are used with “often.”

  • He sends text messages way too often. (The situation is bad.)
  • We’re able to see our friends very often. (This situation is good.)


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