Meaning and usage of oath word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word oath

Word of the Day: Oath

An oath is a promise. It’s usually part of a formal ceremony, but it can be informal as well. The word “oath” is a noun. It’s often used with the verb “take.”

  • During a wedding ceremony, a man and a woman take an oath. They promise to always be faithful and supportive to each other.
  • People in a court of law take an oath and promise to tell the truth.
  • If you don’t tell the truth in a court of law, a judge will remind you that you are “under oath.” If you lie, you could go to jail.
  • During an inauguration, The President of the United States takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  • Police officers take an oath to uphold the law.
  • Medical doctors take the Hippocratic Oath and promise to do the best they can for their patients.

The word “oath” is similar to “pledge” and “vow.”


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