Word of the Day: Material
The word “material” is similar to the words “things” or “stuff.”
In these examples, “material” is a count noun:
- The teacher brought her materials to class. (She brought her things to class–books, handouts, folders, students’ assignments.)
- Stronger, more durable materials went into the construction of the new bridge.
- Are these your materials? (Are these your things?)
As a noncount noun, “material” refers to the substance of something:
- What kind of material is this?
- They used flexible material to make the object.
- This sort of material is rare on our planet.
- The teacher covered a lot of material in class. (In this sentence, “material” is the subject matter or information.)
The word “materialize” is a verb. It means that something appears or becomes a reality:
- New solutions to the problem have finally materialized.
- The ideas they were working on never materialized.
- Scientists are afraid that a new strain of the flu is materializing in Asia.
- Information about the three kidnapped women continues to materialize.
Essential English Dictionary
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