Meaning and usage of aim word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word aim

Word of the Day: Aim

We use the word “aim” when there’s a goal or a target and a person is trying to hit it.

  • The man is aiming his gun at a target.
  • What is he aiming at?
  • Troops aim their weapons at other troops.
  • Missiles are aimed at other countries.
  • Never aim a gun at a police officer–even if it’s fake.
  • He has very bad aim. He needs more practice. (This sentence uses “aim” as a noun.)

When a person is determined to accomplish a goal, the word “aim” is a good choice:

  • She aims to get married by the time she’s 30.
  • What are you aiming at? (What are you trying to say? What is the purpose of your statement?)
  • Their aim is to end world hunger by 2025. (This sentence uses “aim” as a noun.)
  • Our company is aiming at a goal of a million dollars in sales for this month.
  • I aim to leave early tomorrow morning. (aim = intend or plan)
  • What do you aim to do when you arrive in the United States?


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