How to Improve English writing


Writing in the English language can be a daunting but enjoyable experience. Learning to write in English will help you become a better speaker and possibly spark some creativity within you. When it comes to writing, it takes a lot of work, just as much as when you’re learning to speak English. That is because a lot of the concepts that are used for learning English are also used for writing in English. The thing about learning to write in English, is that once you achieve that, you have to keep things going. Writing is one of the things that can lead to prosperous opportunities that can involve school or a professional career.


When it comes to English writing skills, practice will certainly help enhance your skill set. Aside from finding a routine, there are strategies that can be used for practice. Another thing about practicing English writing skills, is that they can also help with your speaking. Looking at your writing, it can provide a study guide for how you should speak, based on the format of what you put together. Just like learning to speak English, some of these strategies involve knowing the different rules of grammar and putting those together. Writing will help you with the practice of constructing certain grammatical elements into an organized sentence. These sentences can be used for practice materials in the future for reading and speaking English. No matter how you approach, the idea is that you must approach this. It’s going to take time, but the investment will be worth it. If you want to get better at understanding English, then practicing your writing skills is going to be an imperative to do. Take a look at some of the ways that you can practice your English writing skills. After finishing this article, if you still need assistance with your English writing skills, you can always use HiCafe Private English Tutoring services


Review Grammar Rules to Practice English Writing Skills

Knowing the grammar rules can help with learning to speak English and can also be great for English writing skills. There are 12 rules of grammar that have always been taught/ Those rules are parts of speech, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, tense consistency, pronoun agreement, modifiers, parallelism, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word choice and tone. When you review these 12 basic rules of grammar, it looks like a list that can be suited exclusively for writing. In fact, there are a few items from this list that would solely help with practicing writing skills.


Parts of Speech

The eight parts of speech are at the top of the rules of grammar. These eight items include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. Going over these categories will help you remember which words to use when you begin your writing. As soon as you familiarize yourself with them, your English writing skills will flow naturally from within.


Sentence Structure

Knowing sentence structure is important when you practice English writing skills. When you write your sentence, you want to make sure that you have it in the format that is needed. The thing about sentence structure is that it doesn’t refer to a set template but rather it’s making sure you understand the proper way to create your sentences. That could involve a number of grammar rules including the subject-verb agreement as well as where to place the punctuation.



This probably should have been the number one grammar rule to review before you practice your English writing skills. Spelling a word correctly is going to do wonders for your writing. If you write a message to someone, and it is filled with misspelled words, that message is not going to be received or comprehended well. That goes for messages you send in your personal life and especially true for those messages that are sent in your professional space. One thing to look out for when spelling words is making sure you have the right spelling. Some words sound the same but their meanings are totally different. So for those types of words, make sure you understand the context around your sentence. There are also those words that sound different than how they are spelled. For example, a lot of “ph” words and a lot of “qu” words sound like a “q” with the “w” behind it. It’s very important to recognize the different, unique spellings of certain words in the English language.


Word Choice

Word choice is similar to the grammar rule of spelling, except that it usually deals with words that have the same meaning but different spellings. Once again, it all depends on the context surrounding your sentence, as it will help you determine the right word to use. The wrong word choice would be similar to the errors under the spelling rule of grammar, but this time the word choice could throw off the tone of the message either by overwhelming or underwhelming it.


Seek Out Exercises to Practice English Writing Skills

Writing is an exercise within itself, whether you’re practicing or just doing it on a daily basis. The more time you spend on it, the better you will become. However, there are still things that you can do to improve your writing. These strategies are especially helpful if you’re practicing English writing skills. Since you’re practicing these skills to learn a new language you can find a wide range of examples to work with and build up your skillset with. Here are just a few to get started with.


Write Down What You Hear or See During the Day

On your journey to learning English, you may run into a conversation that is loaded with the English language or watch a video in the same manner. If you don’t understand some parts of what you encountered, then you might want to write them down. After writing them down then look them up online, as an internet search will provide you with the correct spelling if you wrote down the wrong one. Do this for sentences as well; depending on how informal the conversation, then an online search can let you know if typed in a saying or an incomplete sentence. You could also do this for any blog post or article that you come across that day as well. Just pick out a line from the content that stands out to you and makes you want to research a little more.


Look for Creative Outlets

A great way to practice English writing skills can be to seek out ways that you write in a creative form. This can include poems, short stories, blog posts or anything that you feel comfortable writing in the English language. Creative writing can be a fun learning tool because you get to make up your own subject while still applying the grammatical rules that you picked up along the way. This is a great practice in trying to reach an audience and making your message as clear as possible. Also, the greatest thing about this is that since it’s started up by you, you’re free to choose whatever subject that you feel comfortable with. That comfortability will allow you to think clearer and focus more on the craft of your English writing skills so you can put together the most effective message possible.


To practice your English writing skills, you will need to invest time and effort to achieve constant improvement. Just like learning to listen for and speak English, there are many resources available for your benefit. However, before you go after those resources, just make sure you understand the basic rules of grammar. A few of those are definitely needed for practicing English writing skills, such as spelling and sentence structure. After you feel that you’ve fully comprehended those concepts, then seek out exercises that can help with developing your English writing skills. These strategies can either be you writing down words and phrases you’ve encountered throughout the day, or you can try your hand at creating your own content where you’ve applied what you learned about the English language and challenge yourself to make content for a suitable audience. As these writing skills develop, it will likely place you on the fast track to a great job, where you will be required to write in English at a fast pace. So make sure that you’re practicing as much as you can or whenever you can. It could really lift up your future.


If you’re having trouble finding resources to help you practice your English writing skills, then the HiCafe site can help with your needs. HiCafe provides many resources for those learning to speak and write English. Our platform offers videos and courses that cover grammar, listening and writing to learn English.

Also, you can download HiCafe App for either Android or iOS and have it at your disposal, to practice English conversations. So don’t waste any more time. Click here to download the App today, and choose your path on the journey to learning to speak English in a fluent manner.