Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Shopping


Conversation Lessons related to Shopping Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to shopping.



More Questions for Speaking on Shopping

Here is a list of topics related to shopping for speaking

1. Where do you do your grocery shopping? Do you go to more than one place for food? Why do you go there?

2. How is shopping for food in the United States different from shopping for food in the country that you come from?

3. Do you use coupons when you shop? If so, where do you find coupons? What kind of offers are available through a coupon?

4. Where do you go shopping for clothes? Where do you go shopping for furniture? Where do you go shopping for household items? Why do you go to each of these places?

5. What are some kinds of problems that you might have when you go shopping, whether it’s for food, clothing, furniture, or whatever?

6. When was the last time you returned something to a store? What did you return? Was there a problem when you returned the item?


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