Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Personality & Psychology & Creativity & manners & Mind


Conversation Lessons related to Personality Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to personality & Psychology.


More Questions for Speaking on Personality

Here is a list of topics related to personality for speaking

Creativity Questions

1. What does it mean to be creative or inventive? Describe an example of creativity.

2. What is the most creative thing you have done all week?

3. Why is creativity an important quality for people who go into business?

4. Name some professions that rely on creative people:

5. Who is the most creative person that you know? Describe him or her.

6. If you had the time, what are some creative activities that you would like to participate in?


Manners, Attitudes, & Behavior Questions

1. Name three things that people do in public that demonstrate good manners while eating.

2. Name five things that people do in public that demonstrate bad manners while eating.

3. What does the word “civility” mean? What are some examples of civility? Why is civility an important trait in a society?

4. Where have you seen really good and bad behavior in the United States? How is the behavior here different from the public behavior in the country that you come from?

5. What are some rude things people do while they are driving or riding on the bus?

6. What is the role of schools in teaching manners and good behavior? Or, do you think that is something best left to parents to take care of?


Problem Questions

1. How do you try to solve a problem? Is there someone you talk to ? Is there a book that you go to for help? Do you go online? Is there a spiritual guide (religion) that helps you? What do you do?

2. Describe a problem you had as a child. Did anyone help you solve the problem, or did you take care of the problem by yourself? Was the problem ever solved? If yes, how was it solved?

3. Describe a small problem that you solved at work or in doing housework at home. How long did it take you to figure out what to do? How did you feel about yourself after the problem was solved?

4. What are some problems that people face in the country that you come from? Does the government do a good job to help the people who are affected? What happens to these people if they don’t get the help they need?

5. What are some big problems facing the world right now? Try to name at least three. What do you think are the solutions to these problems?

6. What are some ways to avoid problems before they occur? Think, for example, about health problems, sickness, problems with children, problems at work, or problems in the neighborhood where you live.

7. What would the world be like if it had no problems to deal with at all? Is it possible to live in a problem-free world?


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