Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to food and cuisine


Conversation Lessons related to Food Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to Foods.



More Questions for Speaking on Food

Here is a list of topics related to food for speaking

Cooking Questions

1. How did you learn how to cook? Did someone teach you or did you learn all by yourself? How long did it take you to learn? If you never learned how to cook, can you explain why it’s an important skill to learn?

2. What is the easiest thing that you know how to make? What’s the most difficult?

3. What kinds of food would you like to learn how to cook? Is there a type of ethnic food that you are curious about? Mexican? Italian? Indian? Chinese? Vietnamese? American?

4. What are some common ways of preparing food in the country that you come from that are different from the preparation of food in the United States? For example, are there special ovens, appliances, utensils, etc. that you use?

5. What are some things that people do in the kitchen to be safe? List at least five things a person can do to avoid injury.

6. How can you or anyone else learn how to become a better cook? List all the different resources that people use for improving their cooking skills.


Eating Questions

1. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Do you make it for yourself, or does someone make it for you?

2. What do you usually eat for lunch or dinner? At what time do you usually eat lunch or dinner?

3. What was your favorite thing to eat when you were a child? What did you hate to eat when you were a child?

4. What do you avoid eating now because it’s bad for you? What kind of food do you dislike?

5. What are some customs that people follow in your country while they eat? For example, are there any special dining arrangements that are based on age, gender, or position within the family?

6. In the country that you come from, what do people do after they eat? What do women do? What do men do? What do children do? (For example: clean up, watch TV, talk, smoke, go for a walk, etc.)

7. What is the most unusual thing that people eat in the country that you come from?


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