Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Education


Conversation Lessons related to Education Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to education.



More Questions for Speaking on Education

Here is a list of topics related to education for speaking

1. At what age do most children begin school in the country that you come from? Does everyone go to school? Do children go every day (Monday through Friday)?

2. In the United States, we have elementary school (grades K – 6), middle school or junior high (grades 6 – 8), and high school (grades 9 – 12). (See chart above) How are schools structured in _________________? (the country where you grew up)

3. What kinds of things do children study in elementary school? (ages 6 – 11) What do they study in middle school? (ages 12 – 14) What do they study in high school? (ages 15 – 18)

4. What was your best subject in school? What was your worst subject?

5. Describe an experience in school that made a big difference in your life.

6. In the country that you come from, what do most kids do when they finish high school? Do they go on to college? Technical school? The military? Stay home and work on the farm?


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